Welcome to our new blog! We have enjoyed staying up-to-date with our loved ones through their blogs, and recently decided to start one of our own.
Just before the holidays, Damian and I moved into our first home. It has been a great adventure already, and we look forward to making many happy memories in our new environment. Unlike our old apartment, we now have plenty of space. Damian has been working on making the finished basement his own with an office, a workout space, and a TV area. I am beyond thrilled to be using our loft area as my art studio. In my opinion, the biggest improvement over our apartment is our new kitchen. I am now able to open the fridge and the dishwasher at the same time! Not sure why I'd want to, but it is nice to know I could. I used to compare cooking in the apartment to cooking in a submarine, so you can imagine my delight! Damian has been busy with many projects around the house. Today, for example, he has been fixing the hot tub. It had been working when we moved in. Over the last few days Damian has been researching hot tub maintanence, and cleaning out any funk left over from the previous owners. All was going quite well with the tub, until it started to smell like burning plastic and eventually quit working. Keep your fingers crossed, but it looks like Damian may have fixed it already (with Dad's help). I'm pretty impressed!
We are also really excited to be living on a pond, especially inside the greater Columbus area. We've been told that it's good for fishing, and the neighborhood kids iceskate on it when it freezes over. There is a ton of wildlife around; rabbits, ducks, herron, etc. We have been warned that the geese are the only real nuisance. The previous owner was known in the neighborhood as the "Goose Man". He had a special "goose stick" that he would wildly wave through the air while screaming and chasing after them. I have not yet spoken with the homeowners association about potential job opening, but I am hoping to get named "Goose Lady" when the geese return this spring. A girl can dream.
We have already enjoyed having many visitors, and looking forward to having many more!